Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Shania's Tracing Ghost BOO!!

 This Project was really easy to make I saw the ghost on Google and thought That's cute but It's meant to be scary so I really liked It.

Shania's Tracing Dinosaur


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Shania's Tracing Whale


Shania's Tracing Puppy

 Today In Lockdown 2021 I was really bored so then I thought about creating a tracing puppy the only tools I used were curve and polyline.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Olympic Games

 Olympics Games, In class we had to complete these task that was connected to... you got It the Olympic Games This theme was based on the Olympic Games First we had to connect the flags to the names. The next job we had to do was recreate the torch that was held In the Olympic Games at the end of this exciting task we got to go on a game I haven't finished the slides yet but I'm working on It the hard part of these tasks was recreating the torch that was held In the Olympics 

What I Know About The Olympics Is the first-ever Olympic gmes was held In Greece and they were not given medals

This Is what I learned the winners from the Greece tournament were given special treatment they were given food Invatations to parties and had the oppurtunity to marry rich and beautiful women