Wednesday, December 1, 2021



Thursday, November 18, 2021

Monday, October 18, 2021

Back to School!

 After a long holiday, We finally came back from our break. And this was the first activity that we had to do so I was really excited to do this work because we haven't done any work for quite a while. I and my buddies Mercedez and Kirstine got to learn what we did In the holidays we got to know what we had in common and what was different about our holidays and what was similar.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Shania's Statistics

 What Is Statistics? This project was about Statistics and gathering data from the class. This project was really fun to work on we had to learn about google sheets and how to insert and update Google sheets And my sheet was perfect It came out perfect the colours were great and the data Fantastic! The sheet organized my work perfectly.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Shania's Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori

Today we had Te Reo Maori Language week and this slide was about Te Reo Maori we made a slide containing Mote and Maori Language It was very loud and everyone was talking Just a Little too much also I  found It quite hard to do all this work but when I did do It I accomplished the whole thing. And I think It Is kinda useful to practice your Te Reo Maori.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Shania's Tracing Ghost BOO!!

 This Project was really easy to make I saw the ghost on Google and thought That's cute but It's meant to be scary so I really liked It.

Shania's Tracing Dinosaur


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Shania's Tracing Whale


Shania's Tracing Puppy

 Today In Lockdown 2021 I was really bored so then I thought about creating a tracing puppy the only tools I used were curve and polyline.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Olympic Games

 Olympics Games, In class we had to complete these task that was connected to... you got It the Olympic Games This theme was based on the Olympic Games First we had to connect the flags to the names. The next job we had to do was recreate the torch that was held In the Olympic Games at the end of this exciting task we got to go on a game I haven't finished the slides yet but I'm working on It the hard part of these tasks was recreating the torch that was held In the Olympics 

What I Know About The Olympics Is the first-ever Olympic gmes was held In Greece and they were not given medals

This Is what I learned the winners from the Greece tournament were given special treatment they were given food Invatations to parties and had the oppurtunity to marry rich and beautiful women    

Monday, July 19, 2021

Shania's Whale Project

 I tried to make a Whale out of shapes and surprise! It is completed, Now I get to share my learning with you guys, 

Please visit my Blog again I am hoping to get more stuff to Publish to My Blog.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Family and Friends

 I made this slide for fun It might seem weird but I love doing school work I can't help It, whenever someone tells me to help them I look angry but I really want to do It, some times I get annoyed cause I'm trying to make a video or do my own work and people think of me as the solver of all problems they think that I am just a girl that helps them on their Chromebooks. I made this slide so I could have my own time to do my own work It took time but It was worth It.

Made From: Shania  

Friday, July 2, 2021

Rainbow Glow


Mako Sharks

 We had to do a creative writing for the day there were three options, there were sea writing,lion writing and a man jumping of somewhere and I picked writing about the sea It turned out great.

Thursday, July 1, 2021



What Is Matariki? Matariki Is not a constellation It is a cluster a cluster Is like a small group Matariki Is a Maori tradition to celebrate every year, On the day of Matariki we gather family and friends to have a big dinner we have lots of food to eat and gifts for each other, Matariki Is a great celebration that we should all celebrate Maori or not. For my learning today the class and I were learning different things about Matariki.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

What Is a Butterflies Life Cycle


A Butterflies Life Cycle

 What is A butterflies life cycle? The butterflies life cycle has 4 stages the egg, the larva, the Pupa and then the Pupa forms into a chrysalis and then metamorphosis into a butterfly It spreads It's wings and starts to fly. Then the adult butterfly lays egg again a butterfly can lay 100 to 300 eggs. 

A Bee's Life Cycle.


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Melting Moments

 What Is our Melting Moment? For Science Me and My group of 5 were buzzing for an answer for the question What liquid melts the fastest the liquids we were using were apple juice, milk, water and salt water our hypothesis was that apple juice would melt the fastest but when we did do the science experiment we knew we were wrong milk melted fastest apple juice was the 2nd fastest and water was 3rd and guess what liquid was last sea water  

Monday, June 21, 2021


  Why do we have Earthquakes? In class we were learning how Earthquakes start we learned that the Earth has layer the outer layer the inner layer and the crust.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Friday, June 4, 2021

Online Profile

 Hi my name is Shania. I go to Mangapapa School. I am in Room 8 and I am in year 5.  I have three sisters, a mum and dad. I have six languages. I love Hockey, Netball and T-ball.  And I love cleaning 

My favorite subjects are math's & Art. I love playing Minecraft. My goal is to become famous like my family. My challenge this year is be better at gymnastics

I'm looking forward to being Year 6 next year and E.O.T.C,. My auntie is inspiring you to do makeup and hair. I love hanging out with friends and family and I love the holidays

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Nau mai, haere mai

Nau mai, haere mai!

Welcome to my blog for learning.

I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,

my whānau and friends everywhere.